Church Of Doug

An alternative perspective to life.

Doug, a disciple of God and humble servant of all, to the church and congregation of God on the web wherever dispersed: peace.

I am ever grateful for the help and support I see in you. Charity breaks down boundaries and raises up everyone. As you give to others, as I see you do, you are improving the world around you and accomplishing God’s work. Blessings to all of you.

As Jesus taught us, give without expectation of any return. Love without attachments. Be generous and kind. Never mistake kindness for weakness. On the contrary, the kindness you show requires far more strength. It is not hard to love someone who already loves you. It takes strength to give to someone who doesn’t. Never stop loving and giving, for that is the message of Jesus.

While we do not expect reciprocation, how great it is in creating bonds between people. For example, in my marriage, both my wife and I put the wants and needs of the other person before our own. Because I fulfill her every want and need, and she does the same for me, there is no selfishness in us. Each of us gains all we ever want without worry. When our cup is ever filled, as God Almighty does to each of us, it is easy to be selfless.

We do argue, but our arguments do not start with ‘but I want . . .’ For example, if we are choosing where to eat, our arguments are more like “but we went to my favorite place last time, let’s go to yours. You deserve to be treated well too.”

This reciprocity does not appear at once, and is not the goal of loving unconditionally. It might take a lifetime for some people, particularly those who are hurting from many years of neglect or suffering. We are not loving unconditionally to increase our church’s membership, or for any self-gain. We do it because it is what Jesus taught us to do.

I raise you up before God and rejoice in your love. Praise God and continue your generosity.